Everything You Should Know About Stadium Seating


Stadium seating has been around for centuries, dating all the way back to ancient Rome when amphitheaters were built for watching gladiatorial games. Over the years, those amphitheaters have evolved into stadiums and arenas that now play a big role in the sports and entertainment industry. 

As we dive deeper into this blog, we’ll discuss all the elements that make stadiums the best they can be and how careful design can lead to a great spectator experience.

What to Consider When Designing Stadium Seating

There are many different factors that play a role in stadium design. From arranging clear sightlines to offering ample accessibility options, designing a stadium requires thoughtful planning and attention to detail. Here are a few tips for good stadium design.

Determine the Capacity

The first step in designing a stadium is determining its expected capacity. This will inform the number of tickets that can be sold, the flow of foot traffic, and the overall comfort and safety of attendees. Without an accurate estimation of the expected capacity, your stadium could end up being too big or too small, which could in turn impact attendance. Once the capacity is known, then you can move forward with other aspects of stadium design.

Arrange for Sightlines

When designing stadium seating, you must consider sightlines. This means ensuring that the seats are positioned in a way that provides an unobstructed view of the event. Sightlines are crucial for the overall experience of the attendees as it can be frustrating to miss important moments due to an obstructed view. 

To combat this, stadium planners should carefully consider the layout and positioning of the seating to ensure that all attendees can fully enjoy and participate in the event.

By prioritizing sightlines, you create a more engaging and memorable experience for everyone involved.

Consider Spectator Comfort

There’s nothing quite like a comfortable stadium seat — especially after you’ve been sitting for an extended period of time. Seating that is uncomfortable can detract from the overall experience of the attendees and may lead to them leaving early or not fully engaging with the event. 

To plan for this, start by adding backing, armrests, or even adjustable seats to accommodate different body types. Additionally, offering upgraded seating options in VIP sections can enhance the experience for premium ticket holders, providing them with added comfort and exclusivity.

By investing in these upgrades, event planners not only prioritize spectator comfort but also create opportunities to introduce premium pricing for VIP sections. These enhancements can increase ticket prices, ultimately boosting revenue while ensuring a more enjoyable and satisfying experience for all attendees.

Add Accessibility Options

All new stadiums should comply with the ADA and its guidelines regarding accessibility options for assemblies. By adding wheelchair accessible spaces, guardrails, and ADA ramps to your stadium, you are creating an environment that is inclusive to all who might face barriers when attending large events.

Accessible seating also benefits other groups, such as the elderly or those with temporary injuries or conditions. Having these accessible options allows for a more inclusive environment that caters to the needs of a diverse range of attendees.

Install a Press Box

A press box isn’t just a place for media to cover the stadium events, but rather, it offers an unobstructed view to coaches, commentators, timers (for track and field), scoreboard controllers, lighting, and much more. This optimal vantage point also provides shelter in poor weather conditions and boosts your stadium reputation. 

Still not convinced? Check out our 5 Reasons Why Every Stadium Needs a Press Box

Benefits of Stadium Seating

If you're considering building a new stadium or upgrading an existing one, you truly can’t go wrong. There are a number of reasons why stadium seating benefits your spectators, ranging from enhanced views to overall safety. 

Give your spectators the experience they deserve with a few of these stadium seating benefits:

  • Better View: The tiered arrangement of stadium seating provides a better view of the action, so spectators can enjoy the event without any obstructions.
  • Comfortable Seating: Stadium seating is designed to be comfortable, with each seat having ample legroom and back support.
  • Increased Capacity: Stadium seating allows for more people to attend the event, which increases revenue for the event organizers.
  • Safety: Stadium seating is designed to be safe, with each seat having proper support and being securely attached to the ground.

Investing in quality stadium seating is a decision that pays off over time. Put yourself in the spectator’s shoes. What would you want from a stadium? Consider the mentioned benefits and remember that good stadium design should always put the needs of its spectators first. 

Maintenance and Safety Considerations for Stadium Seating

Maintenance is essential for stadiums because it ensures that the facilities are safe, functional, and visually appealing for attendees, athletes, and staff. Stadiums are subjected to heavy usage, wear and tear, and exposure to the elements, which can cause deterioration over time. 

Without proper maintenance, facilities can fall into disrepair, leading to safety hazards, functional issues, and reduced quality of the experience for attendees.

Regular maintenance of stadiums involves a range of activities, such as cleaning, repairs, inspections, and upgrades. These activities can help to prevent major problems from arising, extend the lifespan of facilities, and improve the overall experience for everyone involved. Some of the maintenance and safety considerations for stadium seating include:

  • Regular Inspection: Stadium seating should be regularly inspected to identify any potential safety hazards.
  • Repair and Replacement: Any damaged or worn-out seating should be repaired or replaced promptly to ensure the safety of the spectators.
  • Cleaning: Stadium seating should be regularly cleaned to maintain a hygienic environment.
  • Fire Safety: Stadium seating should be designed to comply with fire safety regulations

For more details about bleacher maintenance, see our Bleacher Maintenance Checklist.

Get a Quote for Stadium Seating

At National Recreation Systems, we offer high-capacity stadium seating for football bleachers, soccer bleachers, baseball bleachers and more. Browse our wide selection of durable, comfortable, and customizable seating options. Whether you need seating for a small local field or a large stadium, we have the perfect solution for you. Contact us today to get started!