Bleacher Parts
Aluminum Bleacher Planks and Repair Parts
Every set of bleachers is unique, and with nearly 40 years of experience in the industry, we've worked on them all — including wooden bleachers. Over the years, clients seeking to revamp their aging wooden bleachers have come to us requiring new aluminum planks or spare components. We offer a complete range of bleacher parts and aluminum bleacher planks that you can use to repair your existing bleacher system. See below for a list of parts we can provide based on your needs.
Our Bleacher Parts & Components
- Aluminum Bleacher Planks
- Aluminum Deck Boards
- Bleacher Handrails
- Bleacher Guardrails
- Bleacher Stairs
- Outdoor Bleacher Parts
- Bleacher Hardwear
- Aluminum Bleacher End Caps
- Aluminum Bleacher Accessories
Our bleacher parts are available for purchase independently. Let us repair or replace your old bleachers. Get a custom quote for any new parts you need!

As an experienced leader in bleacher systems, we'll guide you during decision-making to improve your facility.
For almost 40 years, National Recreation Systems has been a trusted partner in thousands of projects involving bleachers, benches, and renovations. Our angle frame bleachers are easily reachable and align with your budget and long-term needs.