Bench Seating for Different Sports: Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, & More

Permanent Bench wo Backrest In Ground Mount BE-DD00600

Where you sit for the big game is almost as important as the outcome of the match. If you are designing a new sports facility or renovating an existing one, it's important to prioritize seating as part of the design process. The fact of the matter is, spectators require comfortable seating that provides them with clear sight lines, allowing them to relax and enjoy the atmosphere as they cheer on their favorite teams.

Seating needs can vary between sports, so now is the best time to review the available options for bleacher bench seats and other types of seating in order to determine which options are best for your facility.

Bench Seating for Basketball

As a fast-paced, action-packed sport, basketball requires premium seating for spectators and supportive seating for players. These are the factors to keep in mind when purchasing metal benches for basketball:

Proximity to the Court

When designing a sports facility that houses basketball courts, you will be navigating tight spaces and trying to design seating arrangements that keep the players, coaches and spectators close to the action. You will need to prioritize efficient layouts and choose high-quality, durable bleacher bench seats.

Indoor Seating Requirements

As an indoor facility, you can invest in luxury seating that offers cushioning and padding, as the benches are not exposed to the elements. This also leaves open the option for custom, branded seating, which is particularly beneficial in professional basketball arenas.

Portable/Removable Options

In a multipurpose sports venue, you may want to look for metal benches and other seating options that are portable and removable. This allows you to design versatile seating that accommodates all the sports that are played in your facility.

Bench Seating for Soccer

Most sports facilities that cater to soccer teams are open-air venues, requiring you to keep the local climate in mind as you select metal benches and bleacher bench seats.

Outdoor Durability

Soccer is one of those sports that is played rain or shine, so you will need to select bench seating made from weatherproof materials that can withstand rain, cold and heat. Consider prioritizing ventilated designs that will keep players cool and comfortable during their soccer matches.

Team and Technical Area Layouts

Soccer teams tend to be larger than other sports teams, so you may need to purchase longer benches to accommodate an increased number of substitutes, coaches and staff members. In addition, you will need to remember that elevated seating often provides better visibility of the field and game play.

Shelters and Covers

Despite the fact that soccer matches go on regardless of the weather, you will want to add amenities to your facility that offer some protection from the elements. Protective shelters over your bleacher bench seats can provide shade on warm, sunshine-filled days and shelter on rainy days.

Bench Seating for Baseball

Known as America's pastime, baseball is a sport that is beloved by millions. Crafting comfortable seating arrangements around the ball diamond can ensure that you attract as many teams and fans as possible to your facility.

Dugout Design

Baseball dugouts are unique in the sense that they are often recessed below field level. When purchasing bleacher bench seats for the dugouts, you will want to make sure that they can be integrated into the overall dugout design. It's important to select bleacher bench seats that are durable enough to handle the long seasons and heavy use by ball players.

Player Rest and Support

Compared to other sports, baseball players often spend more time on the bench between innings. You may want to consider purchasing metal benches with back support, or adding a shelf for equipment storage.

Bench Seating for Other Sports

As you look at other sports that are popular in communities around the country, you will want to keep specific considerations in mind.


Football teams have notoriously large rosters, which means that you may have to purchase extended-length benches. You also may want to consider heated benches for cold-weather games to keep players comfortable and limber for game play.


Tennis players need to recover quickly during their breaks, so you may want to consider ergonomic metal benches that allow the players to rest comfortably and protect themselves during their matches.

Track and Field

Track and field is known for its large-scale events, in which competitors participate in multiple, specific events throughout the course of the competition. Long benches are often required in order to provide athletes with a place to sit and rest as they await their events. An open-concept seating design for spectators is preferable, allowing those cheering on their athletes to get closer to the field when the events begin that they have been waiting for.


Pickleball may not be a spectator sport, but it is famously popular. Pickleball courts tend to be crowded, as people often wait for spots to open up in order to play. Installing metal benches for pickleball players to use as they wait for an open sport can make your facility more appealing to these competitive athletes.

Customization and Branding Opportunities

Bench seating is more than just practical — it's an important element in the overall design of your venue. With bleacher bench seats, you have the unique opportunity to invest in customization and branding that can enhance the appearance of your facility while improving the comfort of your fans. You can customize your metal benches by:

  • Choosing benches that match the colors of your team.

As you explore customization and branding opportunities, you will want to be sure to align your bench seating design with the aesthetics of your venue.

Buy Benches for Sports at National Recreation Systems

As a facility planner, you should consider all factors before selecting metal benches or bleacher bench seats for your venue. At National Recreation Systems, we have a wide range of bleacher and bench offerings, allowing you to invest in the seating solutions that are the best fit for your facility.

Contact us today to request your free quote for bench seating, bleachers and more.